Adlerian Therapy

Adlerian Therapy is an approach that can be a valuable resource in your journey toward improved mental and emotional well-being.

Adlerian therapy, based on the pioneering work of Alfred Adler, is built on several foundational principles that we believe can be highly beneficial for you:

  • Holistic Approach: We view you as a whole person, considering your physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. This comprehensive perspective helps us understand your unique experiences and challenges.

  • Inferiority and Compensation: We'll explore any feelings of inferiority or inadequacy you may have. Adlerian therapy recognizes that these feelings can drive individuals to strive for improvement and success.

  • Birth Order and Family Dynamics: Your position and family dynamics can influence your personality and how you relate to others. We will explore how these factors may have shaped your beliefs and behaviors.

  • Encouragement and Social Interest: Adlerian therapy emphasizes developing a sense of social interest – caring for and contributing to the well-being of others. It is about building healthier relationships and finding meaning in connecting with others.

  • Goal-Oriented Approach: We'll work together to identify your goals, aspirations, and the kind of life you want to lead. Then, we will develop strategies to help you move in that direction. This goal-oriented aspect of therapy can be very empowering.

  • Collaborative Relationship: Our therapy sessions are a partnership. We are here to support and guide you as we explore your life story, challenges, and strengths. Together, we will work on understanding and addressing the issues that brought you to therapy.

Adlerian therapy is focused on helping you gain insight into your life, build confidence, and make positive changes. It is about understanding your unique perspective and working towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life based on your values and goals.

Our therapists are committed to helping you along this path of self-discovery and personal growth. We are excited to work together to achieve your desired outcomes and enhance your well-being.