Narrative Therapy

Narrative Therapy is an empowering and collaborative approach that helps individuals reframe and rewrite the stories of their lives in a way that promotes healing and positive change.

Narrative Therapy is grounded in several fundamental principles that we believe can be valuable for you:

  • Externalizing Problems: Narrative Therapy helps you externalize and separate the issues or challenges you face from your core identity. It encourages you to view problems as separate from who you are, making it easier to address them.

  • Storytelling: This approach recognizes that we all have stories that we tell ourselves about our lives. These stories can shape our beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. Narrative Therapy invites you to explore and reshape the narratives that guide your life.

  • Multiple Perspectives: It encourages you to consider multiple perspectives and interpretations of your experiences. This can help you see your situation from different angles, fostering a broader understanding.

  • Collaborative Process: Narrative Therapy is a collaborative process between you and your therapist. Together, you will work to identify and rewrite unhelpful or limiting narratives into more empowering and constructive ones.

  • Resilience and Strengths: The therapy emphasizes your resilience and strengths. It helps you recognize the skills and qualities that have helped you overcome challenges and can support you in the future.

  • Deconstructing Dominant Stories: Narrative Therapy can be particularly helpful in challenging dominant or oppressive narratives that may have influenced your self-perception and experiences.

Narrative Therapy is versatile and can be used to address a wide range of concerns, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship issues. It provides a safe and supportive space to explore and reshape the stories that shape your life.

Our Narrative Therapy-trained therapists are here to collaborate with you in rewriting your narratives and achieving positive change in your life. We look forward to assisting you on your journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing through the principles of Narrative Therapy.