Structural Family Therapy

Structural Family Therapy is an approach that focuses on identifying and restructuring the patterns and interactions within families to promote healthier relationships and more functional family dynamics.

Here are some fundamental principles of Structural Family Therapy that we believe can be valuable for you and your family:

  • Family Structure: This therapy views the family as a system with structure, rules, and roles. The therapist works to understand and assess this family structure to identify areas contributing to issues or dysfunction.

  • Hierarchy and Boundaries: Structural Family Therapy pays close attention to the hierarchy within the family and the boundaries between family members. Problems can arise when boundaries are too rigid or too porous. The therapy aims to establish appropriate boundaries and roles.

  • Change Through Restructuring: The therapist helps the family restructure its interactions and relationships. This may involve altering communication patterns, changing roles, and addressing power imbalances.

  • Joining and Accommodating: The therapist often joins the family during sessions, actively participating in family interactions. This allows the therapist to understand the family’s dynamics better and provide feedback and guidance for change.

  • Subsystem Exploration: Structural therapy explores the various subsystems within the family, such as parent-child relationships and sibling relationships. By addressing these subsystems, the treatment can improve overall family functioning.

  • Clear Communication: Improved communication is a crucial goal of Structural Family Therapy. It helps family members express themselves more clearly, listen actively, and resolve conflicts effectively.

Structural Family Therapy can benefit families dealing with various issues, including communication problems, conflicts, parenting challenges, and adjustment to life changes.

Our Structural Family Therapy-trained therapists are here to work with your family to identify and address the underlying patterns and interactions contributing to your challenges. We look forward to assisting you in promoting healthier family dynamics and fostering more muscular, more satisfying relationships through the principles of Structural Family Therapy.