How To Use The Breath To Conquer Anxiety

Written by Alessandra Martinez

What can we do to help us relax when feeling anxious? Many research studies demonstrate that one of the best ways to help conquer anxiety is through our breath. Breathing techniques can help ease our mind. This post will explore how mindful breathing exercises can support us in coping with anxiety.

Mindful breathing is a powerful technique that involves paying close attention to your breath in a thoughtful way. By focusing on the breath, the mind can find more peace. Here are tips to begin:

Find a spot where you can sit quietly and comfortably. Close your eyes and begin taking a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nostrils and exhale slowly through your mouth. As you exhale, imagine any tension leaving your body.

Start to focus on your breath. If you get distracted, gently bring your attention back to the breath. Don't try to fix anything or judge yourself - it is completely natural if your mind wanders. Instead, you can acknowledge any thought or feeling that comes up and refocus your attention on the breath. Continue breathing mindfully.

Mindful breathing can be a tool that helps you feel grounded and restore peace in your mind. When we are consumed in worries and fears, it is easy to lose sight of the present moment. Breathing mindfully helps us feel connected in the here and now. When the brain struggles with anxiety, it often involves a continuous cycle of worries and fears. By returning to the breath, it will help slow things down.


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